Let’s redefine what it means to be beautiful and worthy of love.

Mindful movement, meditation, supportive community and conversation to inspire connection, acceptance and self-love.

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MEDITATION WEEKEND - September 28-29th, 2024


Cultivate a sense of calm, focus, and clarity.

In this weekend workshop, we will demystify meditation and empower ourselves to engage this powerful, age-old practice to establish and tend to our mental wellbeing.



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Tend to your mental health this fall.

Experinece the power of meditation for yourself. Join our wholehearted community, either in-person (at the beautiful Palisades Yoga Studio) or online for this weekend immersion to harness the power of your mind.

(an optional 25HR Teacher Training Track is available)




You are beautiful, just as you are, in the skin and the life that you're in.

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my dharma

Helping you rewrite the narrative of not enough so you can embrace your authentic self.


It is only when we discover that we are beautiful and enough as is—and express ourselves authentically—that we can truly connect to ourselves and others.

Understanding this is perhaps the most critical work we can do in these distracted, disconnected and distressing times. For when we can celebrate ourselves in a profound and real way, we can learn to understand and celebrate everyone else.

Only then we can find our way back to each other.


Online Classes

In-Person Circles, Workshops & Classes

Corporate Wellness Programs

Yoga Immersions & Teacher Trainings


Poetry, words and insights to call forth your true nature, which is magnificent, and always and already just here.

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Featured Writing

With a style that is unmistakably hers, Meg refuses to leave anyone behind or outside of the global community she so mindfully weaves.

Her words will melt your heart, her vulnerability will make you cry, her spirit will light yours on fire.

But most importantly, her very presence will allow you to love yourself more than you could have ever imagined.
— Ashleigh Sergeant